Venture Cards


The game difficulty cards are in by default. If you are using defaults, you don't need to include ventureCards in your board's YAML.


Card grades are assigned by the Fortune Street modding community based on their power among cards with similar effects.




Card No. 1

Venture Card 1


Adventurous turning point! You can choose which way to move on your next go.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Choose direction

Card No. 2

Venture Card 2


Venture on! Roll the die again and move forward.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Roll, move

Card No. 3

Venture Card 3


Venture through space! Zoom over to any non-venture, non-suit square you like!

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Warp to non-venture

Card No. 4

Venture Card 4


Moneymaking venture! Roll the die and get 40 times the number shown in gold coins from the player in 1st place!

(If you are in 1st place, this has no effect.)

Default in: Easy

Effect: Roll, get gold from 1st

Card No. 5

Venture Card 5


Venture through space! Zoom over to any shop or vacant plot!

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Warp to shop

Card No. 6

Venture Card 6


Venture through space! Zoom over to any venture or suit square!

(Upon landing on the square, you will draw another venture card.)

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Warp to venture

Card No. 7

Venture Card 7


Special bonus! Your shops all grow by 7%!

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Expand shops (all yours)

Card No. 8

Venture Card 8


Venture on! Everyone's shop prices increase by 30%! Now roll the die and move again.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Roll, move after shops price change

Card No. 9

Venture Card 9


Venture on! Everyone's shops close for the day! Now roll the die and move again.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Roll, move after shops price change

Card No. 10

Venture Card 10


Venture on! Everyone's shop prices cut in half! Now roll the die and move again.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Roll, move after shops price change

Card No. 11

Venture Card 11


Moneymaking venture! Roll the die and get 11 times the number shown in gold coins from all other players!

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Roll, get gold from all

Card No. 12

Venture Card 12


Capital venture! You can invest capital in any of your shops.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Invest capital (your money)

Card No. 13

Venture Card 13


Misadventure! The values of all your shops drop by 13%!

Default in: Standard

Effect: Shrink shops (all yours)

Card No. 14

Venture Card 14


Misadventure! You give everyone 30G each!

Default in: Easy

Effect: Give gold to all

Card No. 15

Venture Card 15


Moneymaking venture! Roll the die and get 50 times the number shown in gold coins from the bank!

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Roll, gain gold

Card No. 16

Venture Card 16


Random venture! Shops expand in three districts picked at random!

Effect: Random shops expand

Card No. 17

Venture Card 17


Special bonus! You receive half of your salary!

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Gain salary

Card No. 18

Venture Card 18


Misadventure! The bank is forcibly buying you out! You're compelled to sell a shop for only twice its value.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Sell shop (to bank, forced)

Card No. 19

Venture Card 19


Price hike venture! Your shop prices go up by 30% until your next turn.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Shops price change (yours)

Card No. 20

Venture Card 20


Revaluation venture! You can expand any one of your shops by 20%.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Expand shop

Card No. 21

Venture Card 21


Random venture! You receive 20 stocks in a district picked at random!

Default in: Standard

Effect: Gain stocks

Card No. 22

Venture Card 22


Cashback venture! You can sell a shop back to the bank for twice its shop value.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Sell shop (to bank)

Card No. 23

Venture Card 23


Revaluation venture! You can expand any one of your shops by 50%.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Expand shop

Card No. 24

Venture Card 24


Misadventure! The bank is forcibly buying you out! You're compelled to sell a shop for 200G more than its value.

Default in: Easy

Effect: Sell shop (to bank, forced)

Card No. 25

Venture Card 25


Misadventure! Your shop prices halve until your next turn!

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Shops price change (yours)

Card No. 26

Venture Card 26


Lucky venture! You get a big commission until your next turn!

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Gain commission

Card No. 27

Venture Card 27


Special bonus! You receive 27 times the number of shops you own in gold coins from the bank!

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Gain gold x shops

Card No. 28

Venture Card 28


Cameo adventure! A goodybag appears!

(Goodybag pays rent for any shops he lands on.)

Effect: Cameo appears

Card No. 29

Venture Card 29


Freebie! Take a Heart!

(If you already have a Heart, take 100G instead.)

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Gain suit

Card No. 30

Venture Card 30


Venture on! All shops charge a 100G flat rate! Now roll the die and move again.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Roll, move after shops price change

Card No. 31

Venture Card 31


Random venture! Shops expand by 10% in a district picked at random!

Default in: Standard

Effect: Random shops expand

Card No. 32

Venture Card 32


Random venture! Shops expand by 20% in a district picked at random!

Default in: Standard

Effect: Random shops expand

Card No. 33

Venture Card 33


Cashback venture! You can sell a shop back to the bank for three times its shop value.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Sell shop (to bank)

Card No. 34

Venture Card 34


Dicey adventure! Roll 1/3/5 and your shops close for the day. Roll 2/4/6 and everyone else's shops close.

Default in: Standard

Effect: Roll to close shops

Card No. 35

Venture Card 35


Stock venture! You can sell stocks you own at 35% above the market value.

Effect: Sell stocks

Card No. 36

Venture Card 36


Capital venture! You can pay 100G for the chance to invest in your shops.

Default in: Standard

Effect: Invest capital (your money)

Card No. 37

Venture Card 37


Random venture! Shops expand by 30% in a district picked at random!

Effect: Random shops expand

Card No. 38

Venture Card 38


Stock venture! You can buy stocks in a district of your choice at 10% above the market value.

Default in: Standard

Effect: Buy stocks

Card No. 39

Venture Card 39


Suit venture! Buy a Suit Yourself card for 100G.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Buy Suit Yourself

Card No. 40

Venture Card 40


Misadventure! You give away 10% of your ready cash to the player in last place!

(If you are in last place, this has no effect.)

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Give gold to 4th

Card No. 41

Venture Card 41


Misadventure! Stock prices fall by 10% in a district picked at random!

Default in: Standard

Effect: Random stocks value change

Card No. 42

Venture Card 42


Misadventure! Stock prices fall by 20% in a district picked at random!

Default in: Standard

Effect: Random stocks value change

Card No. 43

Venture Card 43


Misadventure! You pay an assets tax of two gold coins per unit of stock that you own!

Default in: Standard

Effect: Lose gold x stocks

Card No. 44

Venture Card 44


Misadventure! Roll the die and pay 44 times the number in gold coins to the player in last place!

(If you are in last place, this has no effect.)

Default in: Easy

Effect: Roll, give gold to 4th

Card No. 45

Venture Card 45


Dicey adventure! Roll 1/3/5 to warp to a take-a-break square. Roll 2/4/6 to warp to the arcade.

Effect: Roll to warp

Card No. 46

Venture Card 46


Misadventure! You drop your wallet and lose 10% of your ready cash!

Default in: Standard

Effect: Lose cash

Card No. 47

Venture Card 47


Dicey adventure! Roll 2-6 to get all the suits. Roll 1 and lose all your suits.

(You do not get extra gold for any suits you already have.)

Effect: Roll to get suits

Card No. 48

Venture Card 48


Misadventure! All shops in a district picked at random fall in value by 10%!

Default in: Standard

Effect: Random shops shrink

Card No. 49

Venture Card 49


Misadventure! All shops in a district picked at random fall in value by 20%!

Effect: Random shops shrink

Card No. 50

Venture Card 50


Venture on! Move forward the same number of squares again.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Move forward

Card No. 51

Venture Card 51


Venture on! Move forward 1 square more.

Default in: Easy

Effect: Move forward

Card No. 52

Venture Card 52


Venture on! Move forward another 2 squares.

Effect: Move forward

Card No. 53

Venture Card 53


Venture through space! Zoom over to the bank!

Default in: Standard

Effect: Warp to bank

Card No. 54

Venture Card 54


Venture through space! Pay 100G to zoom straight to the bank!

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Warp to bank

Card No. 55

Venture Card 55


Venture on! Roll the die again and move forward (with an invitation to browse thrown in!).

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Roll, move

Card No. 56

Venture Card 56


Venture on! Roll the die again and move forward (with a half-price special offer thrown in!).

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Roll, move

Card No. 57

Venture Card 57


Venture through space! Zoom to any square you like.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Warp to anywhere

Card No. 58

Venture Card 58


Venture through space! Pay 100G to zoom to any non-venture, non-suit square you like!

Default in: Easy

Effect: Warp to non-venture

Card No. 59

Venture Card 59


Stock venture! You can buy stocks in a district of your choice at 10% below the market value.

Default in: Standard

Effect: Buy stocks

Card No. 60

Venture Card 60


Random venture! Stock prices increase by 10% in a district picked at random!

Default in: Standard

Effect: Random stocks value change

Card No. 61

Venture Card 61


Special bonus! You receive a 10% dividend on your stocks!

Default in: Standard

Effect: Gain stocks dividend

Card No. 62

Venture Card 62


Special bonus! You receive a 20% dividend on your stocks!

Effect: Gain stocks dividend

Card No. 63

Venture Card 63


Random venture! Stock prices increase by 20% in a district picked at random!

Default in: Standard

Effect: Random stocks value change

Card No. 64

Venture Card 64


Random venture! Stock prices increase by 30% in a district picked at random!

Effect: Random stocks value change

Card No. 65

Venture Card 65


Forced buyout! You can buy a vacant plot or shop for five times its value, whether someone else owns it or not.

Default in: Easy

Effect: Buy shop (if owned)

Card No. 66

Venture Card 66


Special bonus! You receive 10 of the most valuable stocks!

Effect: Gain stocks

Card No. 67

Venture Card 67


Stock venture! You can buy stocks in a district of your choice.

Default in: Standard

Effect: Buy stocks

Card No. 68

Venture Card 68


Special arcade adventure! You're invited to play Memory Block!

Effect: Play arcade

Card No. 69

Venture Card 69


Stock venture! You can sell stocks you own at 20% above the market value.

Effect: Sell stocks

Card No. 70

Venture Card 70


Special bonus! You get a sudden promotion and receive a salary! (You lose any suits you have.)

Default in: Standard

Effect: Gain salary

Card No. 71

Venture Card 71


Capital venture! You can invest up to 200G of the bank's money in your shops.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Invest capital (bank's money)

Card No. 72

Venture Card 72


Dicey adventure! Roll 1/3/5 to take 20 times the number of your shops in gold coins. Roll 2/4/6 to pay the same.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Roll to get or lose gold

Card No. 73

Venture Card 73


Property venture! You can buy any unowned shop or vacant plot.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Buy shop (any)

Card No. 74

Venture Card 74


Misadventure! You are forced to auction one of your shops (with a starting price of twice the shop's value).

Default in: Easy

Effect: Sell shop (auction)

Card No. 75

Venture Card 75


Property venture! You can buy any unowned shop or vacant plot for twice its value.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Buy shop (any)

Card No. 76

Venture Card 76


Special arcade adventure! You're invited to play Round the Blocks!

Default in: Easy

Effect: Play arcade

Card No. 77

Venture Card 77


Freebie! Take five of each district's stocks.

Default in: Standard

Effect: Gain stocks

Card No. 78

Venture Card 78


Property venture! You can buy any unowned shop or vacant plot for 200G more than its value.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Buy shop (any)

Card No. 79

Venture Card 79


Forced buyout! You can buy a vacant plot or shop for three times its value, whether someone else owns it or not.

Default in: Easy

Effect: Buy shop (if owned)

Card No. 80

Venture Card 80


Freebie! Take a Spade!

(If you already have a Spade, take 100G instead.)

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Gain suit

Card No. 81

Venture Card 81


Misadventure! All other players can only move forward 1 on their next turn.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Control others' movement

Card No. 82

Venture Card 82


Freebie! Take a Club!

(If you already have a Club, take 100G instead.)

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Gain suit

Card No. 83

Venture Card 83


Dicey adventure! Roll 1/3/5 and warp to a random location. Roll 2/4/6 and everyone else warps.

Effect: Roll to warp

Card No. 84

Venture Card 84


Moneymaking venture! The winning player must pay you 10% of their ready cash!

(If you are in 1st place, this has no effect.)

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Get cash from 1st

Card No. 85

Venture Card 85


Moneymaking venture! Roll the die and get 85 times the number shown in gold coins from the bank!

Effect: Roll, gain gold

Card No. 86

Venture Card 86


Moneymaking venture! Take 100G from all other players!

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Get gold from all

Card No. 87

Venture Card 87


Venture on! Roll the special all-7s-and-8s die and move forward again.

Effect: Roll, move

Card No. 88

Venture Card 88


Misadventure! All other players swap places!

Effect: Warp other players

Card No. 89

Venture Card 89


Freebie! All players take a Suit Yourself card!

(No-one can own more than 9 Suit Yourself cards.)

Effect: Gain Suit Yourself

Card No. 90

Venture Card 90


Price hike venture! All shop prices go up by 30% until your next turn.

Effect: Shops price change (all)

Card No. 91

Venture Card 91


Cameo adventure! A healslime appears!

(Healslime gives you a suit of your choice if you pass them on your turn.)

Effect: Cameo appears

Card No. 92

Venture Card 92


Cameo adventure! Lakitu appears!

(Lakitu forces any shops they land on to close until their next turn.)

Effect: Cameo appears

Card No. 93

Venture Card 93


Dicey adventure! Roll 1/3/5 and your shops expand by 10%. Roll 2/4/6 and everyone else's shops expand by 5%.

Effect: Roll to expand shops

Card No. 94

Venture Card 94


Freebie! Take a Diamond!

(If you already have a Diamond, take 100G instead.)

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Gain suit

Card No. 95

Venture Card 95


Misadventure! You throw an impromptu party. All other players come to your location!

Effect: Warp other players

Card No. 96

Venture Card 96


Misadventure! All players scramble to another player's location!

Effect: Warp other players

Card No. 97

Venture Card 97


Stock rise venture! Increase stock value by 20% in a district of your choice.

Effect: Increase stocks value

Card No. 98

Venture Card 98


Forced buyout! You can buy a vacant plot or shop for four times its value, whether someone else owns it or not.

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Buy shop (if owned)

Card No. 99

Venture Card 99


Freebie! What's inside...?

(Get all four suits! You do not get extra gold for any suits you already have.)

Effect: Gain suits (all)

Card No. 100

Venture Card 100


Freebie! Take a Suit Yourself card!

(You cannot own more than 9 Suit Yourself cards.)

Default in: Easy/Standard

Effect: Gain Suit Yourself

Card No. 101

Venture Card 101


Special bonus! Your shops all grow by 21%!

Effect: Expand shops (all yours)

Card No. 102

Venture Card 102


Moneymaking venture! Roll the die and get 33 times the number shown in gold coins from all other players!

Default in: Easy

Effect: Roll, get gold from all

Card No. 103

Venture Card 103


Misadventure! The values of all your shops drop by 25%!

Effect: Shrink shops (all yours)

Card No. 104

Venture Card 104


Misadventure! You give everyone 80G each!

Effect: Give gold to all

Card No. 105

Venture Card 105


Moneymaking venture! Roll the die and get the number shown x your level x 40G from the bank!

Default in: Easy

Effect: Roll, gain gold x level

Card No. 106

Venture Card 106


Freebie! Roll the die and get half the number shown of Suit Yourself cards! (Decimals will be rounded down.)

(You cannot own more than 9 Suit Yourself cards.)

Default in: Easy

Effect: Roll to get Suit Yourself

Card No. 107

Venture Card 107


Revaluation venture! You can expand any one of your shops by 30%.

Default in: Easy

Effect: Expand shop

Card No. 108

Venture Card 108


Cashback venture! You can sell a shop back to the bank for four times its shop value.

Default in: Easy

Effect: Sell shop (to bank)

Card No. 109

Venture Card 109


Revaluation venture! You can expand any one of your shops by 75%.

Effect: Expand shop

Card No. 110

Venture Card 110


Special bonus! You receive 77 times the number of shops you own in gold coins from the bank!

Effect: Gain gold x shops

Card No. 111

Venture Card 111


Cashback venture! You can sell a shop back to the bank for 500G more than its shop value.

Effect: Sell shop (to bank)

Card No. 112

Venture Card 112


Special bonus! You receive 100 times the number of shops you own in gold coins!

Effect: Gain gold x shops

Card No. 113

Venture Card 113


Moneymaking venture! Roll the die and get the number shown x your level x 20G from the bank!

Default in: Easy

Effect: Roll, gain gold x level

Card No. 114

Venture Card 114


Moneymaking venture! Take your level times 40G from all other players!

Default in: Easy

Effect: Get gold from all

Card No. 115

Venture Card 115


Misadventure! All other players can only move forward 7 on their next turn.

Effect: Control others' movement

Card No. 116

Venture Card 116


Moneymaking venture! Roll the die and get 60 times the number shown in gold coins from the player in 1st place!

(If you are in 1st place, this has no effect.)

Default in: Easy

Effect: Roll, get gold from 1st

Card No. 117

Venture Card 117


Adventurous turning point! Everyone gets to choose which way to move on their next go.

Default in: Easy

Effect: Choose direction

Card No. 118

Venture Card 118


Lucky venture! You get a really big commission until your next turn!

Default in: Easy

Effect: Gain commission

Card No. 119

Venture Card 119


Misadventure! You give 20% of your ready cash to the player in last place!

(If you are in last place, this has no effect.)

Effect: Give gold to 4th

Card No. 120

Venture Card 120


Misadventure! You drop your wallet and lose 20% of your ready cash!

Effect: Lose cash

Card No. 121

Venture Card 121


Capital venture! You can invest up to 400G of the bank's money in your shops.

Effect: Invest capital (bank's money)

Card No. 122

Venture Card 122


Moneymaking venture! The winning player must pay you 20% of their ready cash!

(If you are in 1st place, this has no effect.)

Effect: Get cash from 1st

Card No. 123

Venture Card 123


Dicey adventure! Roll 1/3/5 and your shops expand by 20%. Roll 2/4/6 and everyone else's shops expand by 5%.

Effect: Roll to expand shops

Card No. 124

Venture Card 124


Suit venture! Buy a Suit Yourself card for 50G.

Effect: Buy Suit Yourself

Card No. 125

Venture Card 125


Dicey adventure! Roll 1/3/5 to warp to a boon square. Roll 2/4/6 to warp to the arcade.

(The boon square is also known as the commission square.)

Effect: Roll to warp

Card No. 126

Venture Card 126


Revaluation venture! Roll the die and expand your shops by 2% for each number.

Effect: Roll to expand shops

Card No. 127

Venture Card 127


Special arcade adventure! You're invited to play Round the Blocks and Memory Block!

Effect: Play arcade

Card No. 128

Venture Card 128


Special bonus! You receive 55 times the number of shops you own in gold coins from the bank!

Effect: Gain gold x shops