  • This map was originally from Itadaki Street for au. It was a promotion with the anime of the same name.
  • When standing on one of the corner spaces, the arrows do not point you in your next direction. Past that, sometimes the direction you press on your controller will not always take you where you want to go while standing on the corner squares. However, you still can move in the correct direction, though it may require pressing an arbitrary other direction on your controller.
  • Not a lot of information is known about Itadaki Street for au or this board, as all that was available was a picture of the map with all of the spaces and the property values/prices. As such, a lot of information about this board has been speculated or pulled from other boards.
  • All of the intersections on this board are force-travel-through. You may not choose your direction at any space on the board unless you land on bank. Having played almost all of the officially released maps, this is the board-type that I would suspect that the devs intended.
  • The venture card set has been taken from Super Mario Bros with a few changes.
  • This version has music removed to prevent copyright strikes for content creators.
  • Rules
  • Theme
  • Initial Cash
  • Target Amount
  • Base Salary
  • Salary Increment
  • Max Dice Roll
  • Last Updated
  • Uploaded
Venture Cards
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